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發表於 2022-9-28 16:37:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
采访蓝犀牛開創人 王粟



Interview: Wang Su, Founder, Lanxiniu

We support 24-hour services moving anywhere within the city limits. Once you place an order inside the app, drivers can respond as quickly as within five or ten seconds. That's our first advantage.



Our 安眠藥,second advantage is that you don't have to contact different companies and ask how much they charge, explain what things you're moving, wait for the moving company to assign a driver, and so on. We're fast, because we don't have a chain of people that have to pass on the order. In addition, we have a very transparent pricing system.


Our third advantage is that電熨斗, we have a service system that the drivers follow, which ensures that our customers get high-quality service. If you log on to our platform, you'll see that more than 99% of the feedback is positive. We have an advantage in management, technology, and business model. We don't need to make a lot of decisions for every order, because we've standardized the entire process.





Interview: Wang Su, Founder, Lanxiniu

The service quality is decided by a large number of tags attached to each driver. There's a customer satisfaction tag, for things like the白髮變黑髮洗髮精, number of deals completed, an orderliness tag to check if they took inventory, wore uniform, and signed a service agreement; a training tag that records what tests they've taken, including scores, and whether they've passed evaluations. Once they start working, our customer service will monitor any discrepancies, such as a lack of orders, unanswered orders, complaints, bad reviews, and so on. We collect granular data on their work and analyze it manually. What that means is that we don't simply rely on customer reviews; we have a group of people that monitor the entire process from beginning to end. Our system is split into, first, the driver training system. Second, the reward and penalty system. Third, the driver Net Promoter Score, which measures each driver's loyalty and also provides some bonuses. Fourth, we have a knowledge base that we use to grade all of our drivers, customer service, products, and management personnel on a scale. We use this to evaluate who is at fault in different situations. For instance, we provide up to 5,000 yuan in free compensation, but to preven信用卡換現金,t people from abusing it, we've added a lot of conditions. Fifth, we have a service monitoring system where we manually decide what mechanisms and conditions should be used to decide penalties. These five modules help us ensure that we provide high-quality service.

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