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春节双语习俗:大年初六 千家送穷鬼(圖)









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發表於 2021-7-28 14:47:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Chinese New Year on my fingertip 指尖上的新年:大年头六 千家送穷苦人

Today is the 6th day of the 1st month in Lunar Calendar。今天是夏历正月初六。

According to traditional customs, families usually send away the Ghost of Poverty (穷苦人, qiong gui) on this day。按照传统风俗,家里凡是要在這一天送走穷苦人。

By doing this, Chinese people wish to send sway poverty and welcome中壢當鋪, the beautiful days and good luck in the new year。经由過程做這些,中國人但愿能送走贫困而且在新的一年迎来幸福和洽运。

According to the legend, the ghost of poverty is a son of an emperor thousands years ago. He was short and weak, and liked wearing ragged clothes and eating poor porridge。按照传说,几千年前穷苦人是一个天子的儿子。他矮小而又消瘦,而且喜好穿褴褛的衣服,喝稀饭。

Even when people presented him with new clothes, he would not wear it until he ripped it apart. So, h滑鼠墊,e got the name of 不動產實價登錄,‘the man of poverty (穷子, qiong zi) with time passing by, he gradually became the ghost of poverty。即便人们送给他新衣服,他也要撕裂後才穿。是以,跟着時候推移,他被称為了穷子,垂垂地就酿成了穷苦人。

To send away the Ghost of Poverty, Chinese people will usually throw away their ragged clothes, rubbish and other dirty things。為了送走穷苦人,人们凡是會将本身的破衣服、垃圾和其他脏工具抛弃。

This practice also has its hygienic reason。這一做法也是為了干净。

As for the first five days of Chinese new year, people are not allowed to throw away any rubbish because the rubbish is regarded as fortune which cannot be swept off。就新年的前五天来讲,人们不容许抛弃任何垃圾由于垃圾被視為财產不克不及被打扫掉。

However, after the Festival of Po Wu (破五, po wu), many taboos can be broken。但是在破五以後,很多忌讳便可被冲破。

Thus, people finally can clean up their houses again。因而,人们最後會再扫除一遍他们的屋子。

Nowadays, the狐臭治療方法, custom of sending away the Ghost of Poverty is not co妹妹on to see in big cities。現在,在大都會中送穷苦人的风俗已不常见了。

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